欢迎光临至 [ANGELINE Fragrance & Parfume] 网购 ^_^v
MSN: angeline4631@live.com
EMAIL: angeline4631@live.com / phebe4631@hotmail.com
SMS: +6014-2525210 [no calls please]
Payment method
We currently only accept HSBC BANK and MAYBANK payment. When you confirm your order, we will provide you our bank information. Your payment can be made by CASH DEPOSITE or ONLINE BANK TRANSFER to our bank account.
我们目前只接受通过 HSBC BANK 和 MAYBANK 付款.
** After payment please remember to email me / SMS me your bank transaction number, payment date and the total amount you paid, so that I can confirm your payment with your ~
After our confirmation, next day (working days)we will stright away send out the item.
** 汇款后请记得 email告诉我您的银行交易编号,付款日期和您所付的总金额,以便我能确认您的付款哦~ 当我们确认您的付款后,各天(工作曰)我们会直接寄出包裹。
***If you need to transfer the amount is not an integer, THEN what should we do?
Do not worry, you have several ways to transfer:
- You can use Internet banking.
- Or you can go into the bank,and ask for their support..(amount transfer) but have to queue up Oh. .
- Or you can use ATM machine, and then select Transfer Account To Account.
- Or you can bank in an integer amount, and then when I send the item to you, i will pack THE SURPLUS AMOUNT properly to send it back to you.
- 您可以用 Internet banking。
- 或 者您可以去银行里面讯问质询,不过要排队噢。。
- 或者您可以用 ATM machine,然后选 Transfer Account To Account。
- 或者您可以 bank in 整数 ,然后当我寄包裹给您的时候,我再把'剩余金额'一起回寄给您,当然我会把钱包好。
谢谢合作~! THANK YOU~!
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